Fan art poster design for the Coen Brothers 2007 masterpiece, No Country for Old Men. Both the novel and the movie end with the same monologue from the main character, Ed Tom Bell. In it he describes a dream where he sees his father (now deceased) on horseback riding through a snowy mountain pass. He carries a horn filled with embers that glow like the moon. Ed Tom believes his father is riding out to make a fire in the night, and that he'd be there when Ed Tom gets there. Then he wakes up. It's a contemplation on hope that I think really ties the whole story together. An aging man coming to terms with his mortality. I wanted this image to be the centerpiece of my design. With the dark, ominous figure of the movie's antagonist, Anton Chigur, looming over the rider. A reminder that "You can't stop what's comin'."
Procreate digital painting